Vice President James Calvin of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia Visits XJTU
May 26, 2014
On the afternoon of May 20, Vice President of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia Professor James Calvin and his party visited XJTU.
Calligraphy Exhibition by Celebrated Korean Calligraphers Li Yongche and Zheng Xiongbiao Opens at XJTU Museum
May 23, 2014
On the afternoon of May 16, an exhibition of the calligraphy of the celebrated Korean calligraphers Li Yongche and Zheng Xiongbiao was opened at the XJTU Museum.
Members of the Research and Advanced Studies Class for Diplomats from Russian Speaking Countries Visit XJTU School of International Education
May 23, 2014
On the afternoon of May 20, 14 members of the Research and Advanced Studies Class for Diplomats from Russian Speaking Countries visited the XJTU School of International Education.
A Group of Outstanding Students from Michigan State University Visits XJTU School of Mathematics and Statistics
May 20, 2014
At the invitation of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, three outstanding undergraduates from American Michigan State University visited the School from May 11 to May 17.
Teacher’s Teaching Development Center Held “How to Improve Your PPT Teaching Courseware” Luncheon Seminar
April 22, 2014
On April 16, a luncheon seminar on "How to Improve Your PPT Teaching Courseware" was held by Teacher's Teaching Development Center of XJTU with a participation of more than 70 teachers.
The School of Science published one academic paper on line on Physical Review Letters
April 07, 2014
On April 2, a paper entitled Reference-Frame-Independent Quantum-Key-Distribution Server with a Telecom Tether for an On-Chip Client written by the associate professor Zhang Pei, the School of Science, was published on line on the top physics journal Physical Review Letters.
The National Key Laboratory of Strength of Metal Materials Got a Doctor Paper Published on line on Journal of the American Chemical Society
March 27, 2014
The paper entitled "Unexpected High-Temperature Stability of beta-Zn4Sb3 Opens the Door to Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance" was published on line on Journal of the American Chemical Society.
A XJTU Graduate Student Paper was Published Online on Advanced Materials
February 26, 2014
A research paper by Liu Zhen, a graduate student from the School of Science has been published online in the highly regarded journal Advanced Materials, whose most recent impact factor is 14.829.