XJTU accomplished in the 2015 Undergraduate Teaching Quality and Reforms Projects Evaluation
July 22, 2015
A number of XJTU undergraduate teaching quality and reform projects were approved or supported in Shaanxi.
XJTU graduates well performed on the Second National Collegiate Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall Design Contest
June 08, 2015
From May 22 to 25, during the Fifth National Workshop on Geo-Synthetic Materials: Reinforced Earth, the final of Second National Collegiate Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall Design Contest (Xu Yu Cup) was held at Southwest Jiaotong University.
XJTU held the 5th National E-Commerce “Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship” Competition
June 03, 2015
The 5th National E-Commerce "Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship" Competition for College Students was held at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) on May 29th, 2015.
XJTU gained the second award on Third AAM Collegiate Technology Competition
June 01, 2015
On May 21, 2015, the Third AAM Collegiate Technology Competition, which was organized by AAM Asian Office and R&D Center, was held at AAM Global Financial Center at Shanghai.
Champion in Northwest: XJTUers Slam RoboMasters 2015
May 25, 2015
The Northwest event of RoboMasters 2015 was held in Siyuan Student Activity Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) on May 23rd and 24th.
XJTU’s good job in National Digital Design Competition
May 21, 2015
The 5th National Digital Design Competition on Mechanical Products was held in Huazhong University of Science and Technology from May 15th to 17th.
XJTU PhD research gets a special coverage on Chemical World
May 19, 2015
Yong Jiale, a PhD member in the research group led by Professor Chen Feng, XJTU School of Electronics and Information, secures his research a special coverage in the name of "Fish and Flowers Inspire Diving Goggle Material".
Students of XJTU won “Outstanding Winner” of International College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling
April 13, 2015
According to latest news from the website of Mathematical Contest in Modeling, students of XJTU won 2 "Outstanding Winner", 5 first prizes, 14 second prizes.