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XJTU professor delivers plenary lecture at international conference

July 25, 2024
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The Combustion Institute's 40th International Symposium – Emphasizing Energy Transition was held on July 21 in Milan, Italy, gathering over 1,600 experts, scholars, and young students from around the world. Professor Huang Zuohua from the School of Energy and Power Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) was invited to deliver a 60-minute plenary lecture titled "Fuel Blend Combustion for Decarbonization" at the conference.


Professor Huang delivers a plenary lecture during the conference.

Professor Huang has long been dedicated to the research of fuel chemistry and clean combustion in engines. As one of the leading academic figures in the fields of internal combustion engines and combustion science in China, he has served as the editor-in-chief of the authoritative international journal Fuel in the energy field and been listed multiple times among the world's most highly cited researchers. 

He has received numerous awards, including the second prize of the National Natural Science Award, the National Innovation Award, the first prize of the Natural Science Award from the Ministry of Education, the first prize of the Natural Science Award from Shaanxi province, the Outstanding Contribution Award and the Distinguished Achievement Award from the Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines and more.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the research of laminar flames, hydrogen-enriched combustion and combustion in internal combustion engines, the Combustion Institute awarded him its first fellowship.

The International Symposium on Combustion is the largest and most influential academic conference in the field of combustion science and technology, often referred to as the Olympics of the combustion community. 

Held by the Combustion Institute every two years, the conference employs a highly rigorous peer-review process for its papers. Accepted papers are presented by their authors in related sessions, and those passing a second review are published in the authoritative journal, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (PCI). The global average acceptance rate is approximately 30 percent. 

In addition to the plenary lecture, six out of 10 papers submitted by Professor Huang's research group were accepted for oral presentation and were all included in the PCI, enhancing XJTU's international influence in fundamental combustion research.