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Release of XJTU Global Development Action Plan 2030 & Alumni Associations Symposium held

October 08, 2023
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On Oct 7, the Release of the Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) Global Development Action Plan 2030 & Alumni Associations Symposium was held and presided over by Xi Guang, vice-president of XJTU. Xi Ru, second-level inspector of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education, Lu Jianjun, Secretary of the CPC XJTU Committee, Wang Shuguo, president of XJTU, university leaders Bie Zhaohong, Sun Zao and Hong Jun, Standing Committee members Zhang Dinghong and Chen Teng, and Assistant Presidents Shan Zhiwei and Shan Wenhua attended the meeting. Alumni representatives from around the world participated in the meeting both online and in-person.


The Release of the XJTU Global Development Action Plan 2030 & Alumni Associations Symposium is held on Oct 7.


Wang Shuguo, president of XJTU, delivers a speech at the meeting.

Wang Shuguo thanked all the guests for their presence. He said that the world is undergoing major changes not seen in a century, with the reverse flow of knowledge production models and the emergence of many new ideas, thoughts, and technologies off campus. Faced with a new technological revolution and industrial transformation, universities must actively reform and deeply integrate with society. Wang Shuguo said that the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made a strategic plan to promote education, science, technology, and human resources as a whole, and as a "Double First-Class" university located in the western region, XJTU is a pioneering institution, exploring new forms of higher education in the 21st century, leading the development of higher education, and undertaking the mission of higher education in the era. He said that in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, XJTU should conform to the laws of the new technological revolution, adapt to modern trends, open up new paths, and become a "pioneer" in the new era. "Let us work together and plan for the future together, contribute to the building of a human community with a shared future, strive to write a magnificent chapter in the opening up of education in the new era, and become the light of the world."

Xi Ru, on behalf of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education, hailed the Release of the XJTU Global Development Action Plan 2030. She said that on the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), XJTU released the Global Development Action Plan 2030, which will help promote the spirit of the Silk Road, implementing the education action under the BRI, deepening practical cooperation in higher education, and building a future-oriented education community with a shared future under the BRI. The Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education will continue to support the development of the University Alliance of the Silk Road. Xi Ru made two proposals: first, never forget the original intention, firmly promote the opening up of education, and advance the coordinated development of science and technology, education, and human resources; second, carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road, actively implement the education action under the BRI, and deepen pragmatic cooperation in education under the BRI.

Gui Shengyue, President of the Hong Kong Alumni Association, Tian Fumin, President of the New Zealand Alumni Association, Kong Lingchen, President of the Washington D.C. Alumni Association in the United States, Rong Hai, President of the Xi'an Alumni Association, Xu Fenglian, President of the UK Alumni Association, and Zhu Shengyong, President of the Guangdong Alumni Association, delivered speeches as alumni representatives. They all said that the release of the XJTU Global Development Action Plan 2030 has inspired alumni. As part of the XJTU family, they look forward to participating in the university’s global development action plan in the future, becoming promoters and practitioners of the plan, and contributing to XJTU’s overseas layout and international exchange and cooperation.

Lu Jianjun said that XJTU always remembers the original aspiration of "advancing science and technology and developing the northwest," promotes the spirit of westward academic relocation and high-level opening up, and always breathes the same air and shares the same future with the Party, the country, the nation, and the people. He said that in recent years, the university has launched an innovation project called " the integration of industry and education for better collaborative education," gathering innovative resources at the innovation port, focusing on national strategies, connecting with industry needs, introducing financial capital, fostering an innovative ecosystem, and cultivating outstanding talent. It firmly promotes the "6352" project, has established a new model for the deep integration of industry, university and research called "1121", is building a special innovation-driven engine zone, is accelerating the sharing, commercialization and practical application of scientific and technological achievements, and is helping form a new pattern of promoting the development of the western region in the new era. In the future, the university will develop with an international view, adhere to national strategies, maintain a broader perspective, continue to increase the "openness" of the university, the country and the world, and respond to challenges posed by the world, the times, and the people, contributing XJTU's wisdom and strength to the development of a strong country, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the building of a human community with a shared future.

The XJTU Global Development Action Plan 2030 was released at the meeting. Focusing on the needs of the country, challenges posed by the times, and changes happening in the world, and based on the continuous promotion of the development strategy of "one body, two wings", XJTU is further expanding the "openness" of the university, the country and the world, and deepening the integration of industry and education and of science and education, striving to become a model for higher education action under the BRI and serve the building of a human community with a shared future.

The XJTU Global Development Action Plan 2030 adheres to the vision of "promoting the spirit of westward academic relocation, building the Silk Road of Science and Education, and becoming the light of the world." It makes full use of "alumni resources and international faculty," leverages the University Alliance of the Silk Road, the Silk Road International College, and the Overseas Innovation Center, integrates four major elements – an international innovation platform, an international talent team, international cooperation projects, and international cooperation achievements, and is focusing on the development of a five-dimensional system encompassing talent cultivation, scientific research and innovation, management services, cooperation platforms, and faculty teams, fulfilling the mission of higher education and beginning a new chapter of open cooperation for XJTU as the "light of the world" in the new era.