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University of Liverpool delegation visits XJTU

July 29, 2023
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A delegation from the University of Liverpool led by Tim Jones, the university's president, visits Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) on July 26.


The two parties hold talks on deepening cooperation between the two universities.

A delegation from the University of Liverpool led by Tim Jones, the university's president, visited Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) on July 26. Wang Shuguo, president of XJTU, met with Tim Jones and his delegation. The two parties held talks on deepening cooperation between the two universities and strengthening scientific research in related disciplines.

Xi Guang and Hong Jun, vice presidents of XJTU, Shan Zhiwei and Shan Wenhua, assistant presidents of XJTU, and Xi Youmin, executive president of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), attended the meeting.

Wang welcomed the delegation and said that the University of Liverpool is a world-class university and many of its disciplines are world-leading.

The two universities have had a deep cooperative relationship for many years, and the XJTLU, jointly established by the two universities, has become a benchmark and model for Chinese and foreign schools.

He also expressed hope that in the future, the two universities will carry out more extensive and in-depth cooperation and provide more opportunities for students from the two universities to interact.

Tim Jones said that XJTU is an important partner of the University of Liverpool. The two universities have similar research fields and school-enterprise cooperation values.

Tim also expressed hope that the two universities will deepen cooperation, and he is confident it can happen.

Xi Guang introduced plans related to the Innovation Port and said he looked forward to more domestic and foreign universities and enterprises cooperating with XJTU. He said he hopes the University of Liverpool and XJTLU can realize cooperation in industry, education and research at the Innovation Port.

Xi Youmin said that the cooperation between the three parties in scientific research has broad prospects, and hopes to give full play to the strengths of all parties to deepen cooperation and make greater achievements.

After the meeting, Hong Jun and Tim Jones listened to Xi Youmin's report on work related to the XJTLU and reached an agreement for the two universities to further strengthen investment in XJTLU's school development.