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XJTU Westward Relocation Museum becomes women's patriotism education base

June 19, 2021
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The Jiaotong University Westward Relocation Museum in Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) marks the "westward relocation spirit" of pioneers.

The Westward Relocation Museum of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) has been selected as a National Women's Patriotism Education Base by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF).

The ACWF asked the National Women's Patriotism Education Base to earnestly implement the spirit of the Central Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, make good use of red resources, inherit the red gene, and actively carry out a variety of themed education activities.

The ACWF urged giving full play to the role of female guides and women voluntary demonstration lecturers, and telling the history of the Party, New China, the reform and opening-up, and the socialist development to women, children and their families to spread the story of red family tradition in a better way.

As an education base, the museum shoulders the responsibility of leading the majority of women and families to listen to and follow the Party, inspire the enthusiasm for loving the Party and the country, transform the sincere feelings of gratitude for the Party and the new era into practical actions for hard work and meritorious deeds.

It will also pass on the red spirit from generation to generation, and contribute women's strength to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The museum showcased the hard work and brilliant achievements of the XJTUers who relocated along with the university decades ago and recorded the living and entrepreneurial scenes of women professors, officials, employees and family members on campus, at home, and in society, impressing once again the firm footprints made on the long journey of the seniors of that time.

The stories of their rooting in the west and fighting with patriotism have become a powerful source of motivation for women workers to forge ahead and contribute to the country.

Since the opening of the museum, it has received more than 30 important leaders and more than 400,000 people from all walks of life and provided about 4,000 interpretation services by women guides. 

It has given full play to the power of women researchers, unearthed historical materials on the westward relocation, published the first book Women in Westward Relocation with the theme of women, and held the Westward Relocation Women Exhibition.


The Westward Relocation Women Exhibition is held in the Higher Engineering Education Museum, iHarbour, Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) on April 23.

The symposium on "Promoting the Spirit of Westward Relocation and Becoming a Woman of the Times" was held to widely publicize achievements and deeds with women's characteristics, and was an important event for promoting the spirit of patriotic struggle and carrying out patriotic education.

The approval as a National Women's Patriotism Education Base is inseparable from the strong support of the Shaanxi Provincial Women's Federation, the Publicity Department, the United Front Work Department of the XJTU Party Committee and the School Trade Union.

The museum will also make good use of its red position to display the deeds and demeanor of generations of intellectual women on a larger scale, and inspire the patriotic endeavor of women.