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XJTU researchers develop a novel structure in solar water evaporation distillation

December 04, 2018
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Recently, the research team led by XJTU professor Que Wenxiu designed a novel hydrophilic/hydrophobic nanoporous double-layer(HHNDL) structure. Porous hydrophobic light-absorbing material was used to make the first layer of the structure, realizing light-to-thermal conversion, providing pathways for water vapor evaporation, and preventing surface solute crystallization through hydrophobic effect. The second layer is hydrophilic filter membrane for water pumping and vapor generation based on capillary effect. Low-cost commercial polyurethane foam was used as self-floater and thermal insulator. Non-woven fabrics, regarding the wick-like capillary effect, was used to provide a continuous water supply. The HHNDL structure combines the advantages of both efficient vapor generation of all-hydrophilic material and salt resistance of all-hydrophobic layers, providing solutions for preventing sea-water corrosion to all-hydrophilic structures and improving the evaporation rate of all-hydrophobic structures, thus ensuring the continuity and stability of sea-water desalination and purification of wastewater containing organic dyes, heavy metals and bacteria. The research result was published in Materials Horizons(Impact Factor: 13.183), an international well-known journal in the materials field, under the title A general salt-resistant hydrophilic/hydrophobic nanoporous double layer design for efficient and stable solar water evaporation distillation.