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The First Forum for Presidents of University Alliance of the New Silk Road (UANSR) was successfuly held

May 23, 2015
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On May 22 afternoon, the First Forum for Presidents of University Alliance of the New Silk Road (UANSR) was held at Qujiang International Conference Center. The forum gathered over 200 participants from 19 regions and countries, including university presidents and delegates. The forum comprises keynote speeches, topic presentations, and a discussion session. XJTU President Wang Shuguo made a concluding speech.


Chaired by Vice Rector Sergey Korshunov of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, XJTU President Wang Shuguo, President Timothy W. Tong of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, President Ki Seob Kim of Pusan National University, and Rector Engr Muhammad Asghar of National University of Sciences and Technology (Pakistan) delivered keynote speeches.


Presentations were also made on two topics, i.e., 1) strengthen higher education cooperation and enhance regional development and openness, and 2) talent training and research collaboration in the UANSR framework. Delegates from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, I.Arabaev Kyrgyz State University, Politecnico di Milano, University of New South Wales, Harbin Institute of Technology, University of Liverpool, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Chiang Mai University, Technic University of Berlin, and Xi’an University of Technology presented on the above two topics. Participating guests acknowledged the significance and importance of UANSR creation, claiming that such an international framework and innovative collaboration platform will benefit all membership universities by enhancing economic growth and cultural exchanges for countries along the Silk Road and therefore lay a solid foundation for further collaboration.