Welcome to Xi'an Jiaotong University!

Evening of entertaining theatrical performances to celebrate University of Nebraska Week on campus

June 04, 2012
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On the evening of April 18, in order to celebrate University of Nebraska Week on the XJTU campus, a series of student arts performances were presented in Xianzi Hall. The evening was opened by the Student Folk Music Ensemble performing the traditional songs "Looking over Spring Wind" and "New Song of Herdsmen". During the evening Nebraska Professor David Lou, the special presidential advisor took the stage and expressed his deep respect for China's classical culture and extended a warm welcome to the teachers and students of XJTU to expand their exchanges with the University of Nebraska in order to deepen their knowledge of the University and of American culture. XJTU Vice President Song Xiaoping in turn welcomed the delegation from the University of Nebraska and gave them a brief introduction to the history of the exchange and cooperation between XJTU and the University of Nebraska.

Afterward there were performance by the University of Nebraska at Omaha Jazz Quintet and the XJTU Student Art Troupe.