Welcome to Xi'an Jiaotong University!

Photography Exhibition celebrates University of Nebraska Week

June 04, 2012
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On the morning of April 17, a photography exhibit organized as part of University of Nebraska Week at XJTU was formally opened in the XJTU museum. Associate Professor Dana Fritz of the UNL Department of Art and Art History, and lecturer Victoria Hoyt presented to an interested audience her two paintings which were part of the exhibition—"The Formation of Reaction by Improper Imitation" and "The Sea of Willa"—commenting on their originality, formal characteristics and significance. In addition Vice President Song Xiaoping introduced a separate exhibit of photographs by the XJTU Photography Society and Xi’an City Photographers' Society. These works put on display the beauty of the XJTU campus and the majesty of Xi'an's ancient Ctiy Wall. After the opening of the exhibition, the members of the audience exchanged the cultural differences and the art expression techniques.