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Series of American films shown on campus as part of University of Nebraska Week

June 04, 2012
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On the evening of April 15, the first of a series of American films to be shown in connection with University of Nebraska Week in Xi'an was screened in the auditorium of the university's Main Building. XJTU Vice President Song Xiaoping and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Professor Lou attended the screening.

In welcoming the audience, Vice President Song Xiaoping said that the weeklong exchange activities between XJTU and the University of Nebraska were serving to further advance and develop the ongoing cooperation between the two universities. He said he hoped that the opening of the American Exchange Center and the associated series of activities would promote a greater degree of mutual understanding among the teachers and students of the two universities.

The weeklong mini film festival included four films: "Swing Time," "Safety Last," "Fort Apache" and "The Grapes of Wrath."

The film festival was organized by the Students' Affairs Office and Department of International Cooperation and Exchange, and hosted by the English Club.