Welcome to Xi'an Jiaotong University!

French delegation visited the School of Material Science and Engineering

January 13, 2012
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On the morning of November 9, a delegation of French scientists visited XJTU. Among the members of the delegation were Mr. Jacques Lamon, the director of French National Science Research Institute and a leading ceramics and fiber materials expert, Professor Jacques Renard from the School of Mines in Paris and an aeronautics and aerospace materials expert, and Mr. Philippe Martineau, a materials expert presently service as Deputy Counsellor for Science and Technology at the French Embassy in Beijing. The delegation visited the School of Materials Science and Engineering, where they were met by Deputy Dean Qiao Guanjun. Each member of the group gave a brief presentation concerning the work of their respective institutions, including its organizational structure, its research team, its testing equipment and its research results. They also discussed common research interests and topics and expressed the hope to conduct more extensive cooperative research on the compound material of fiber strengthening ceramics radix and the fatigue strength of ceramics material.

After the seminar, the French guests, accompanied by Dr. Guo Zhaowei, visited the National Key Laboratory for Metal Materials Strength, where they were briefed on some of the equipment at the laboratory, including the high resolution transmissive electronic mirror, the focusing ion cluster, molecule cluster extension, the nano-impressing instrument and the micronano mechanical testing instrument.