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President Zheng Nanning attends Sino-Japanese University Forum and Presidential Summit

December 29, 2011
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Recently, President Zheng Nanning visited Japan for four days, where attended the Sino-Japanese University Forum and Sino-Japanese Presidential Summit.

At the Second Sino-Japanese University Forum, which was held in Tokyo, President Zheng delivered an address entitled "Universities, Humanities Education and the Global Vision," in which he identified three ways in which universities could promote the international cooperation. Firstly, the humanistic spirit of university education provides a cultural foundation for educating graduates with a global horizon, while courses in the liberal arts are important carriers of the university's humanistic values. Secondly, there is a need to provide students with the ability, including the foreign language ability, to act and interact on the global stage. Thirdly, we should build a practical environment for talents that has international view and make the universities be filled with international academic atmosphere.

On October 12, President Zheng traveled to Kyoto to meet with the president of Kyoto University, Professor Hiroshi Matsumoto. The two leaders reviewed their research cooperation in area of cultural preservation and discussed a series of topics of common concern, including how to raise school-running funds, correctly deal with the relationship between administrative management and the liberty of academic research of universities, optimize teachers team, carry out performance personnel mechanism and the efficient use of laboratories.

On October 13, as the representative of Chinese university presidents, President Zheng attended the Seventh Sino-Japanese University Presidents Summit and co-chaired the sub-forum with the president of Tokyo University Junichi Hamada. The university presidents in attendance made speeches one after another and warmly discussed courses setup, how to create international academic atmosphere on the campus and teaching in English by encircling how universities could train international talents.

During president Zheng Nanning stayed in Japan, he visited Rohm and met with some representatives of XJTU Tokyo Alumni Association.