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Professor César Camacho, Director of Brazil’s National Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics Research (IMPA) visits XJTU

December 29, 2011
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On October 14-15, XJTU was visited by Professor César Camacho, the director of Brazil's National Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics Research (IMPA), and a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the Third World Academy of Sciences, together with Professor Yuan Jinyun from Brazil's Paraná University. XJTU Vice-President Xu Zongben welcomed the visiting mathematicians, and discussed with them matters of mutual interest, such as graduate student and faculty exchanges, joint research projects and other forms of academic collaboration in various disciplines.

Later, a ceremony was held to name Professor Yuan Jinyun visiting professor of XJTU. Vice President Xu presented Professor Yuan with an appointment certificate and a school pin. After the ceremony, Professor Camacho and Professor Yuan lectured on dynamical system and computation mathematics.