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Delegation of educators from Liverpool visits XJTU

August 29, 2011
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On May 24, an 11-member delegation of primary and secondary school educators from Liverpool, England, visited XJTU. The Director of Department of International Cooperation and Exchange Dr. Liang Li met with the visiting guests in room 101 of the Science Hall. The delegation was made of individual school principals, officials from the Department of Education of the Liverpool Municipal Government and members of the School of Education of Liverpool University.

Director Liang Li welcomed the delegation and shared with them her hope that the visit would deepen their understanding of XJTU and increase their knowledge of the history and culture of Shaanxi province, and in that way, would lay the foundation for the further cooperation among primary schools and middle schools in the two countries. A representative of the Liverpool municipal government, Mr. Paul Bradshaw, gave a warm speech on behalf of the delegation and thanked XJTU for the friendly and warm reception.