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American president’s advisor of international affairs Dr. Zhu Zhaoji visited XJTU

August 29, 2011
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On June 13, at the invitation of President Zheng Nanning, Dr. Zhu Zhaoji and his party, visited XJTU. Dr. Zhu is an advisor on international affairs to the American President, the Chinese representative of UC Berkley and president of Datong International Group.

President Zheng Nanning welcomed visiting guests in Xuanhuai Hall. He said he hoped the two parties could take advantage of the opportunity presented by their summer vacation exchange program as a turning point for promoting friendship and exchange between American and Chinese university students and a vehicle for strengthening cooperation between UC Berkley and XJTU. Dr. Zhu Zhaoji praised the university, not only for the beauty of its tree-lined campus, but also for its rigorous pursuit of academic excellence, its achievements in research, and its contributions to the development of China's western regions. He agreed that the level of cooperation attained in the summer vacation school was a good beginning, and expressed the hope that the two parties could develop closer exchanges in the future.

These remarks were followed by a formal ceremony in which the two parties signed a letter of intent in which they agreed to further cooperation between XJTU and the Datong International Group in connection with the development of the summer vacation program at UC Berkley. Vice President Lu Tianjian and Dr. Zhu Zhaoji signed the letter of intent and Dr. Liang Li, the Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange, and Dr. Zhu Zhaoji signed the executive agreement. Among those in attendance at the signing were the deans of the School of Energy &Power Engineering, the School of Life Sciences &Technology, and the School of Electrical Engineering and a number of faculty representatives.

In room 101 of the Science Hall, Dr. Zhu Zhaoji lectured on the topic: "The Outlook for Sino-American Relations." Prior to the lecture, a brief ceremony was held in which Dr. Zhu Zhaoji was named honorary XJTU professor. Vice President Lu Tianjin presented Dr. Zhu with a school pin and an appointment certificate.