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Thai Consul General the honorable Phatchanee Monchai visits XJTU

June 07, 2011
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On the morning of April 21, the consul general of Thailand Consulate to Xi'an the honorable Phatchanee Monchai visited XJTU. Vice President Yan Jianqun welcomed the visiting guests in Xuanhuai hall. He reviewed the long-term friendly relationship between XJTU and Chiangmai University, briefly presented XJTU's programs for foreign students and said the XJTU was ready and willing to welcome additional students from Thailand. Consul General Phatchanee Monchai thanked XJTU for its kind invitation and for the long-term support it has provided for Thai students. He said that during his time in office, he intends to help make XJTU better known to the universities and students in Thailand, and will encourage them to come to study at XJTU. He added that he would also work to promote cooperation and exchange between Thailand universities and XJTU and to upon their long-term mutual friendly cooperative relationship.