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Delegation from Germany's Jülich Research Centre visits XJTU

December 17, 2010
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On the morning of December 17, Prof. Sebastian Schmidt, a member of the board of directors of Germany's Jülich Research Centre, headed a delegation to XJTU. President ZHENG Nanning and Vice President LU Tianjian heard a report on the Jülich Centre, and the director of the XJTU's Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Electronic Materials REN Wei reported on recent developments in the work of the "International Dielectric Research Center." The director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Ms. LIANG Li, the party secretary of the School of Electronic &Information Engineering, Prof. LIU Chunliang, the executive assistant dean of the School of Electrical Engineering Prof. RONG Mingzhe, and the assistant dean of the Graduate School Prof. WANG Hong attended the meeting.

After the meeting, the delegation visited the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Electronic Materials Research, the National Key laboratory for Power Equipment and Electrical Insulation, the International Dielectric Research Center, the National Key Laboratory for Manufacturing System Engineering and the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Biomedical Information Engineering.
